

Rush to get last minute back to school deals at Fashion Outlets


Shoppers were out in full force at the Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls. 

It’s the last minute rush for back to school clothes and supplies. Parents are hoping to cash in on some Labor Day deals, just in time for their kids’ first day. 

This year parents and students are expected to spend nearly $83 billion on school gear. The average person will spend $250 per child. Many parents say they just want to get it over with. 

“And then when school starts, they come home on the first day with another list of things they need. You’re never ready. So you have to go back out gain,” a parent at the Fashion Outlets said. 

Experts say there are several ways to save while bargain shopping. Leave your kids at home. They usually pick pricey items. Use those coupons and shop around for deals. 

There are also a lot of great steals online and before going shopping take an inventory of last year’s supplies. You might just be buying what you already have. 

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