

Rural Metro paramedic saves stray dog

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A Rural Metro Medical Services paramedic is being praised for taking in a stray dog. 

However, it's fair to say in stories like this we're not always sure who rescues whom. “I think she's grateful, and I'm grateful to have her,” said Rural Metro Paramedic, Greg Rath.

Rath had been in the market for a new dog. He'd even recently visited the S.P.C.A to no avail. But, as fate would have it, there was already puppy who needed him. “We were out on a call, as we were coming back to the hospital, I noticed the little lady.” Rath said he was at the corner of Bailey Avenue and Doat Place when he first spotted the pit bull mix. 

He could tell right away she needed help. “I didn't know what it was at first because she was so small. She was pretty dirty and she has a little bit of dandruff. She looked pretty skinny. So, we got her back over to the office and got her some food and water and she gobbled that up pretty good.”

Neighbors said the dog had been running lose for several weeks.

 As a rural metro paramedic, Rath said he often comes across animals who need help. And he'll work to find each a safe home. Lilly was different. “When I found her and saw how sweet she was, I couldn't turn my back on her.”

So, he decided to keep her. “Oh, it's been great. She's perfect.”

Jay Smith is the Rural Metro Medical Services regional director. He said Rath’s actions are a true testament to all Rural Metro paramedics. “It speaks to Greg's personality, his demeanor, and the profile or the employees that work for this industry.”

A veterinarian told Rath that Lilly is between eight and 12 months old and she's roughly 20 lbs. underweight. But, otherwise, she's in good health and now she’s in good hands. Rath plans on spoiling Lilly to make up for lost time.