
Public's input sought for Outer Harbor projects


For many, the Outer Harbor was the place to be at the end of a hot summer week in Buffalo. But, there could be some changes coming to the urban oasis.

The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation has announcedthat it's looking into developments throughout a large portion of the Outer Harbor.

While it's not clear what is being planned, the ECHDC stated they are looking at the First Buffalo River Marina area, including the bike ferry drop off. Whatever happens, the hope is to keep all 115 boat slips.

The ECHDC says they're also interested in repurposing the grain elevators that are usually lit up across from Canalside.

Further away from downtown, ECHDC wrote they are looking into larger construction projects such as a metal frame building and a 96 thousand square foot one story building.

The first of the agency's three meetings for public input will be held next Wednesday, from 5-7pm at the Canalside VIP tent.

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