

Price frustration over new Star Wars toys


When the new Star Wars "Force Awakens" toys went on sale September 4th, fans snapped them up like it was Black Friday.

But some of them may have overpaid.

Stephanie Kingery decided to surprise her husband with one, ordering from the Toys R Us website, rather than standing in line  at midnight.

But she was stunned to discover the price marked down later that same morning.

"I later found out it was on sale....within the same day, within hours," she said.

She paid $109 dollars for the Millennium Force drone, but by afternoon, the price dropped to $89, $20 less.

Tries to Get Price Adjusted

So she called Toys R Us, to inquire about a price adjustment.

"They suggested I print out my email confirmation, to show that I had proof of purchase, and take it to my store, my local store, and they would reimburse me the difference."

So she went to the store, but says "they couldn't even find that I had purchased it. I had my confirmation email, my purchase number, I had the item number, and the more searching they did, she couldn't even find a record that I had purchased it."

Out of frustration, she bought another off the shelves, for the new low price, figuring she will return the first one when it arrives.

How to Get an Adjustment

Toys R Us has a 7 day price adjustment policy. Most major retailers have similar price adjustment policies -- some as long as 21 days.    

But as Kingery learned, it can take work and perseverance to get the new lower price.

"I'm assuming I can return it back to the store, but I was trying to avoid a second trip," she said.

The good news: after we contacted Toys R Us corporate offices, the store agreed to give Kingery the adjustment so that she doesn't have to drive back to the store again.

Bottom line: if you are among the first people to buy a new item, you may end up paying full price. 

So it pays to check back a day or two later, and if you find the price has come down, call and request an adjustment, so you don't waste your money.


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