WNY political operative Michael Caputo is being thanked by President Donald Trump for his testimony Friday before the House Intelligence Committee.
Caputo testified that he never heard the word 'Russia' mentioned while he was with the campaign.
The House Intelligence Committee questioned Caputo behind closed doors as part of the panel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 Election.
In a tweet Sunday morning, President Trump wrote "thank you to former campaign adviser Michael Caputo for saying so powerfully that there was no Russian collusion in our winning campaign."
Caputo has long said that he had no contact with Russians, and that no one on the Trump campaign contacted Russians while he was there.
He also went after one congresswoman, for mentioning his wife's name during a hearing.
“As soon as she did that in front of millions of people watching on television, we started getting threats over my phone. One person twice called and told me he was going to burn my house down with my wife and children inside,” Caputo said.
Caputo, also said Congress's inquiries are costing his family money. He said he's liquidated his children's college fund to pay for expenses related to the investigation. Caputo's name has come up time and again in connection with the Russia probe for his deep ties to the country.
For years, he was a political consultant and public relations expert in Moscow, working for Russian politicians and major Russian-owned companies, all with ties to the Kremlin.