

Presidential candidates look ahead to NY Primary

Presidential Candidates look ahead to NY Primary
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Presidential candidates are now looking ahead to the New York State primary, after the second “Super Tuesday” contests racked up some more delegates.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were the big winners Tuesday night, but the contests showed some vulnerable spots for the candidates.

Gov. John Kasich took 66 delegates by winning Ohio’s “winner take all” primary, making it difficult for Trump to get the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination in time for the GOP convention.

CNN estimates Trump needs to win 60 percent of the remaining delegates in order to win the nomination. This will be more difficult, because many of the upcoming states dole out delegates proportionally, instead of winner take all. New York is one of those proportional states, with the 99 delegates on the GOP side being split among the candidates. New York has the second most delegates in upcoming contests, behind only California.

The Democrats are looking ahead to New York as well. The campaign for Sen. Bernie Sanders says they’re looking at a two week campaign in the Empire State. His campaign says they intend to fight hard in the state Hillary Clinton represented in the Senate for eight years.

Sanders also has a lot of New York ties, being born and raised in Brooklyn. His campaign is also planning on looking at the Upstate connection with Vermont.

The Clinton campaign says they have no fears of losing New York. They also point out her lead in the delegate count. CNN reports Sanders would have to win 72 percent of the remaining delegates in order to grab the nomination.

Here's the latest candidate delegate count from ABC News:


Trump  673
Cruz     411
Rubio   169
Kasich  143
(1,237 needed)

Clinton  1,606
Sanders  851
(2,383 needed)