Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz voted Made in America Act. It was a bill first introduced by Erie County Republican Legislator, Ted Morton.
The Act would force the county to purchase services and supplies from workers and manufactures in the United States.
It passed the county legislature with a bipartisan 9-1 vote.
In a tweet, Poloncarz who’s a democrat said he vetoed the law because of “ambiguities and legal issues.”
“Although I cannot support this Law in its current form I stand at the ready to work with the Legislature to draft and support a law that accomplishes the intentions of the peace of legislation,” said Poloncarz.
Morton expressed his disappointment.
“I strongly disagree with the County Executive’s decision to veto the Made in America Act. I have a commitment from Chariman John Mills that we will hold a veto override vote at our Legislature session this week. I am hopeful that we will be successful in overturning the veto,” said Morton.