

Poloncarz, local Democrats call on Republicans to denounce Trump

"Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy."
Strong words by Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz when it comes to Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.

Erie County Democrats have had enough with Trump and his comments. Local leaders spoke with the media Thursday regarding Trump's most recent comments...suggesting he will only accept the results of the election if he wins.
"I'm afraid of the words that Donald Trump is saying," said Senator Tim Kennedy.
"What Donald Trump has been talking about is not a peaceful transition of power," Poloncarz said. "He's potentially inflaming his supporters that the election was stolen."
County Executive Poloncarz and other local leaders are calling on local Republicans, like Congressman Chris Collins to denounce Trump.
"State whether they support Donald Trump and what he's doing or whether they're going to reject that type of leadership," he said. 
"I call on County Executive Poloncarz to get back to work," said Erie County GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy. "The taxpayers do not pay him to be a political mouthpiece for Hillary Clinton.
Langworthy calls the news conference "incredibly unusual" and says the "phony outrage" over Trump's comments is ridiculous.
"If I were Mark Poloncarz and the local Democrats, I would be very careful at how much charged rhetoric I used toward people who support Donald Trump," he said.
Congressman Chris Collins released the following statement to 7 Eyewitness News:
"Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and has a record of failed promises that Western New Yorkers know all too well, like the 200,000 Upstate jobs that were never delivered. I continue to support Donald Trump because he will get our manufacturing jobs back from Mexico and China, secure our borders, and defeat ISIS."