

Dad in front seat when 21-year-old arrested for racing, DWI

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A 21-year-old man was drunk and driving with his dad in the front seat when he got involved in a drag race Saturday night, according to Orchard Park Police.

Officers say around 9:45pm, two vehicles zipped past them on Southwestern Boulevard. Officers pursued and initiated a traffic stop, but one of the vehicles didn’t pull over for almost a half mile. Police say that vehicle was driven by Joshua Gernold of Colden.

When police went to speak with him, they say Gernold smelled of alcohol and exhibited obvious signs of intoxication. Officers say he was argumentative and uncooperative and refused to take any field sobriety tests. Making things more difficult, his father was in the front seat and officers say he too was argumentative and uncooperative.

Gernold was arrested and charged with DWI, unlawful speed contest, refusing a roadside alcohol screener, speeding, refusing to yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle and other vehicle and traffic charges.

He was taken to the police station, where he refused to submit to a breath test. Gernold posted $250 bail and he and his father was allowed to leave.