President Barack Obama's address on Tuesday when he handed down his executive orders on gun violence was an emotional one.
While reflecting on the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012 he wiped tears from his eyes and paused to gather his thoughts.
"From every family who never imagined their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun," said Obama. "Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad."
His orders call for mandatory background checks for all guns sales including purchases made online and at gun shows.
.@POTUS executive order calls for mandatory background checks for all gun sales - including ones made online and at gun shows.
— Desiree Wiley (@DesireeWiley) January 6, 2016
Those who sell guns will now have to become a registered gun dealer, which will close the "gun show loophole."
.@POTUS order also aims to increase funding for mental health treatment, FBI staffing and more.
— Desiree Wiley (@DesireeWiley) January 6, 2016
Dennis Deasy the owner of Niagara Gun Range said he's not convinced the changes will make a difference.
"Is it really going to stop a person that's stealing identity and has some false identification who is prohibited from having a firearm from getting it?" questioned Deasy. "No."
In New York some of Obama's reforms are already part of the Safe Act.
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