

NY Attorney General says he'll sue over GOP health care bill


New York Attorney General Eric Schniederman says he will challenge the GOP health care bill in court if it ever becomes law. 

"I will sue the Trump administration and their Congressional allies to protect New Yorkers," Scheiderman said Monday at a health care rally. "All of us together will bring every lever at our disposal because not only is this bill unconscionable, not only is this bill unjust, it is against the law. It is unconstitutional and we intent to stop it in its tracks and prove that this is still a nation of the rule of law. This is still a nation where President Trump found out when he tried his unconstitutional immigration ban, that even the president is not above the law."

Scheniderman says the measure denies women their constitutional right to an abortion by defunding planned parenthood. He also takes issue with a provision in the bill that would force New York to shift Medicaid costs to the state.