

Nurses for Bernie Group campaigns at UB

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Registered nurses aboard National Nurses United are campaigning for Bernie Sanders. The nurses call themselves "nurses for Bernie." 

They arrived to the University at Buffalo-North Campus in a big red Bernie Bus. These nurses said their mission is to encourage student to vote for Sanders in the New York Primary. This comes just a few days before Sanders is set to visit the U.B. North. The democratic candidate will speak at a rally at the University at Buffalo Alumni Arena on Monday night. 

"We just figured if people trust nurses then we should be explaining to people why nurses trust Bernie,"  Co-President of National Nurses United, Jean Ross said.

Nurses for Bernie said they support his stance on issues like health care and college tuition.

"We want to pick a president that's going to best meet the needs of the majority of the people," Registered Nurse, Bonita Reid said.

Several UB Students that the nurses talked say they are Bernie Sanders Supporters. One students told 7 Eyewitness News he doesn't trust Hillary Clinton.

"Bernie seems to actually want to change the political system. He wants to get money out of politics and I think that's been a big problem in the United States for a long time," Kevin Knowles said.

Kevin Appiah-Kubi said he loves Sanders, but he just doesn't think America is ready for his policies.

"I honestly think he's more genuwine than Hillary Clinton. I'm not going with my heart. I'm going with my head. I don't believe that some of his policies will be able to pass a Republican Congress," Appiah-Kubi said.

The #BernieBus nurses have met with many students, workers and families across the country during this election season. National Nurses United, with over 185,000 members from all 50 states, is the largest organization of registered nurses in the U.S. and the first union to endorse Sanders, in August last year. Since then, NNU members have been organizing house parties, rallies and phone banks, and mobilizing door-to-door efforts in support of Sanders.

For more information about Nurses for Bernie visit http://www.nationalnursesunited.org