
Number of foster children rising in WNY after opioid epidemic

and last updated

The opioid crisis is forcing more and more children into foster care, and Western New York is not exempt from the trend. 

KidsPeace Program Manager, Betsy Farkas said the need is greater now than ever to find a loving home for foster children in Western New York. 
Last year 600 new kids entered the foster care system in Western New York. However, there are only about 500 people signed up as foster care parents. Many of the children are coming from homes of drug users. 

“We’re finding more and more kids being remanded from their parents and being placed in foster care,” Farkas said. 

Farkas said many of the kids come traumatized and need loving and patient adults to take care of them. 

A lot of times the foster homes turn into permanent homes for young children. The bond between the parents and children grow so strong the parents decide to adopt.

KidsPeace is hosting an open house on Thursday, May 31st for adults 21 and over who are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent. 

The event is from 6pm thru 8pm at KidsPeace located on 2801 Where Drive, Suites 13 & 14 in Williamsville or click on KidsPeace

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