

53 new police officers will help Buffalo


It was graduation day for police recruits who have completed the 129th basic course at the Erie County Law Enforcement Training Academy at E.C.C.'s North Campus.

Fifty three will be going to the Buffalo Police Department and one is going to the Town of Tonawanda Police.

After receiving badges during the ceremony, the new officers will now move into the next phase of training for the next four months.  The field training will team the graduates with veteran officers who will show them more about the day-to-day requirements of the job.

For the City of Buffalo, the new officers will help replenish a police department that has seen its numbers drop due to attrition in recent years.

More officers will be entering the next training academy session which will eventually see Bufffalo receive 100 new police officers.

Mayor Byron Brown said having the new officers will help with public safety.  They will also help reduce overtime costs and help bolster the city's community policing efforts.

7 Eyewitness News Reporter Ed Reilly has more in his reports.