

Which states have the fastest internet in America?

Ranking of states and D.C. by connection speed

Washington D.C. has the fastest internet in America. People in the capital can now enjoy surfing at an average speed of 28.1 Mbps, which constitutes a 17 percent increase in speed compared to the same quarter of last year. Connection speeds have increased across all top 10 contenders in the past year.

To some extent D.C.'s performance is no surprise because it's not a real state, smaller and more urbanized than its competitors. Delaware, the next smallest contender and a real state, has the second fastest connection speed. They are the only two entities on the list that exceed the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) 25 Mbps threshold – the minimum download speed considered broadband.

As the below infographic shows, most high-speed states are on the East Coast. "Pennsylvania joined the top 10 in the first quarter, pushing California out," the authors of the most recent report by service provider Akamai conclude. One state sticking out to represent the West is Utah.

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