

Mystery animal escapes from wildlife rescue facility

Animal experts unsure what type of creature Pennsylvania woman helped rescue
and last updated

A mystery animal that was undergoing testing to determine whether it is a dog escaped from its enclosure.

A Pennsylvania woman found the animal after following paw prints. She originally thought her neighbor's dog had got out.

“I wasn’t quite sure, but...it was scared and it was cold and all I could think about was this animal needed help,” Christina Eyth said.

Eyth took the disheveled animal to Wildlife Works, Inc., a nonprofit wildlife rescue group.

The clinic ordered genetic testing. While awaiting results, the animal reportedly chewed through its cage, trashed the room it was in and got out through a window.

“We had him for about a week, during which time he ate nutritious food and received treatment for his mange and secondary infections. We can only guess he was starting to feel somewhat better and decided it was time to go," Wildlife Works, Inc. said in a now-deleted Facebook post.

The organization was apparently bombarded with nasty messages after the animal escaped. They posted a new message on Monday.

"Many thanks to all the folks who reached out to us with messages of love and support. It far outweighed the nastiness and naysayers," the post said. "Rest assured we have learned a lot from this experience and will be better prepared in the future."

WPXIsays Wildlife Works, Inc. is still waiting on the results of the DNA test.