

Milwaukee school seeks to dismiss lawsuit by Michelle Obama's brother

Craig Robinson, Kelly Robinson

A private school in Milwaukee is now working to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the brother of former first lady Michelle Obama, Craig Robinson.

In a lawsuit, Craig and his wife Kelly Robinson claimed the University School of Milwaukee improperly terminated their two sons’ enrollment at the school, despite being model students.

In the document filed in the Milwaukee County Court, the Robinsons say USM ended their kids’ enrollment after the parents spoke up about racially insensitive learning materials.

The school filed a 13-page court document last week, saying the case should be dismissed due to "failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted."

In the document, USM argued that it exercised its contractual right to deny enrollment to the children because school officials determined it was in the "best interest of the school."

In a separate statement to the community, school officials wrote, “the family in question was not invited to return to USM due to unacceptable behavior by the parents towards our teachers and staff. The family’s children were well-liked by their peers and teachers, which made this exceptionally rare decision very challenging.”

Part of the Robinsons’ lawsuit describes a guideline at USM where parents are expected to cooperate with the school. If not, the head of school has the right to take action up to dismiss a student.