

Judge permanently blocks marketing of bottled-water brand after illnesses, death reports

FDA warns Real Water still advertising, available for purchase online
and last updated

LAS VEGAS -- A U.S. judge has permanently blocked a Las Vegas-based bottled-water brand Real Water from being marketed while an investigation continues into at least one death and multiple cases of liver illness among people who reported drinking it.

A court order signed Monday in Las Vegas formalizes a settlement reached earlier.

AffinityLivestyles.com., Real Water, and company officers agreed to stop processing and distributing the product drawn from municipal tap water, and destroy any in their possession.

Company president Brent Jones, a former Nevada state Republican lawmaker, didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

The Centers for Disease Control issued a Health Alert Network Advisory for Real Water in early April. The warning advised “a high index of suspicion of acute non-viral hepatitis” and instructs clinicians to report any cases to their local health authority.

Real Water issued a statement on March 18, saying it was notified of a potential problem with its water on March 16 and that the problem dated back to November 2020.

Additionally, the FDA said it had become aware that Real Water is still being offered for sale through online retailers. The agency is working to locate any remaining products to ensure they are no longer available to consumers.

The FDA also found, as of March 31, 2021, Real Water Inc. was still promoting the product via social media despite issuing a recall announcement. Tuesday's ruling is meant to stop that marketing while the investigation continues.

The FDA recommended a complete recall on May 21 following the death of a woman that Nevada health officials linked to the product.

Real Water was marketed primarily in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and California.