

Howard University closes campus after ransomware attack

Denee Dickerson, Fanta Traore, Lydia Somuah
and last updated

Howard University canceled classes Tuesday in response to a ransomware cyberattack.

Only essential personnel was to be on the campus Tuesday.

University officials said “there’s no evidence of personal information being accessed," but they continue to investigate.

The university shut down its network to investigate the situation, including campus Wi-Fi.

“This is a highly dynamic situation, and it is our priority to protect all sensitive personal, research and clinical data. We are in contact with the FBI and the D.C. city government, and we are installing additional safety measures to further protect the University’s and your personal data from any criminal ciphering,” a letter to the university community said.

School officials plan on updating the status of the situation at 2 p.m. each day.