

General Mills to distribute 10,000 "Marshmallow Only" boxes of Lucky Charms


It's a Lucky Charms fan's dream. General Mills is giving away 10,000 special boxes of the cereal that is entirely made of marshmallows. 

Beginning this month, General Mills will sell specially marked boxes of traditional Lucky Charms that contain a 14-digit code. By entering the 14-digit code on MarshmallowOnly.com, customers can win one of the 10,000 marshmallow only boxes of Lucky Charms. 

The contest will run through December. 

If you are lucky enough to win one of the boxes, General Mills will send winners their box of cereal within several weeks. 

“Fans of Lucky Charms are obsessed with our marshmallows,” says Priscilla Zee, senior marketing manager. “We were overwhelmed with calls, e-mails, and tweets last year, asking for a box of our Lucky Charms marshmallows. So this year we wanted to give them even more opportunities to win.”

The contest is similar to a sweepstakes General Mills organized in 2015. In that contest, 10 lucky contestants won marshmallow only boxes of Lucky Charms through social media.