

Did the White House doctor video of news reporter Jim Acosta confronting President Trump?

Did the White House doctor video of news reporter Jim Acosta confronting President Trump?

CNN reporter Jim Acosta's press credentials for the White House were stripped "until further notice," after Press Secretary Sarah Sanders accused him of "placing his hands on a young woman."

Sanders tweeted out a video of Acosta at a news conference questioning President Trump, but some sources are saying the video is doctored.

The news conference aired nationally before the video was released, and many people saw the original incident. They say the video appears to have cut out Acosta saying "pardon me, ma'am" to a White House intern who was reaching to take away a microphone.

In the allegedly doctored video, it appears Acosta's arm movement of pushing away the intern was sped up.

Some say the tweeted video is retaliationfor Acosta's sparring with Trump.

The allegedly edited video was first shared by Paul Joseph Watson, who is known for his conspiracy-theory videos on Infowar, a far-right website.