

How Republicans and Democrats differ on issue of health care


Health care is expected to be one of the top issues for voters in the midterm elections.

Polls show Obamacare approval is at an all-time high, while opinions about Republican replacement plans are more negative.

Democrats are using that as a centerpiece of their midterm election strategy.

“On the other side of the aisle, they never had a plan,” says Democratic strategist Brandon Neal. “It was always just repeal Obamacare, and I think they were infatuated with the whole idea of just destroying something because it had Obama’s name on it.”

With rising health care costs, Republicans argue they made necessary changes to Obamacare.

“Under Obamacare, every individual in the country was required to have health insurance or pay a tax,” says Republican strategist Brian Bartlett. “Republicans repealed that tax, because we think individuals should have a choice when it comes to their health care.”

A growing number of Democrats now want to expand health care coverage even further by pushing for "Medicare for all." Under the idea, the government would eventually take over health care from private insurance companies and every American would be covered.

“Under Medicare for all, the average American family will be much better off financially than under the current system, because you will no longer be writing checks to private insurance companies,” says Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont).

Republicans say the idea of a single-payer health care system is too expensive and bad for most Americans.

“Everyone, no matter how much you like your plan, would have their plan taken away,” argues Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin). “Instead you will put in a government run plan, where you have no say in the cost or in the coverage. Obamacare mean fewer choices. Medicare for all means no choices, no competition.”