

Clinic crafts baby's helmet to look like dad's Army pilot helmet

orthotic helmet
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — Alison Swenson visited a clinic to treat something very common in babies.

"These kids, usually from preferred sleeping positions, develop a flat spot on their head," said prosthetist/orthotist Jason Ramsey. "We have the orthotic helmet to correct the shape. All it does is redirect the natural growth pattern."

With dad Aaron deployed right now, the family had an idea of what to do: give Troy a helmet like his dad's pilot helmet.

"My husband is an Apache pilot, and he has been in the Army since October 2016," Swenson said.

"We knew he was going to be leaving during this kind of treatment, and so we still wanted him to have that connection with his daddy while he was gone," Swenson added. "My husband has his name on it, and it says DLCP. For daddy's little co-pilot."

Troy has worn the helmet from Hanger Clinic for a few months now. Measurement at the clinic showed Troy has made progress, but Alison's decided the helmet's going to stay a little while longer. Someday soon, it will be off, but for a mom, that helmet's always going to be something she keeps for the memories.

This story was originally reported by Forrest Sanders newschannel5.com.