

Big companies around the world join alliance to end plastic waste


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste is a newly formed non-profit, and a couple dozen of the biggest companies in the world are on board.

They plan to work together on solutions to prevent and clean-up plastic waste, dedicating at least $1 billion over the next five years.

However, the European Recycling Network pointed out these are companies still investing in plastic production. The group says more effort is needed to cut new plastics being produced.

Other companies have outlined plans to do that.

Nestle pledged to eliminate all plastics from its products by 2025. Today, the company said they would start by eliminating all plastic straws from its products beginning next month. Additionally, it will start making paper packaging for Nesquik, snack bars and Smarties candies this year.

A billion-dollar UK-based food company also announced its going to stop packaging fruits and veggies with plastic. They plan to bring back paper bags. They already phased out plastic utensils and straws.

A recent study found 91 percent of plastics are not recycled. As for what ends up in oceans, it's at least the equivalent to five grocery bags for every foot of coastline around the world.