

2014's top online-dating profile words, phrases

and last updated

Do you like to travel? Apparently so does everyone else on Match.com, which in its 2014 Year in Review report highlighted the most common things people said in their profiles.

Most common word people used in profiles: The word "travel" showed up in more than 1 million profiles — 1,005,346 times, to be exact. That's a lot of planes, trains and automobiles.

Most common phrase: "Down to earth." Almost a quarter of a million people describe themselves that way. Yep, 232,348 people consider themselves to be down to earth. 

Words that made big jumps in popularity: Zumba, electrician, welcoming, warmhearted, crochet, quickest, cosmetology, ladies and sewing, with Zumba being No. 1. 

Favorite movie: "Frozen" was listed as 5,501 people's favorite movie this year, which is well above any other movie.

Hashtags popular in profiles: One person used a whopping — wait for it — 44 hashtags in his Match.com profile.