

'Hot Cop' resigns months after anti-Semitic comments surfaced


The "Hot Cop" in Gainesville, Florida who gained notoriety in September when Hurricane Irma struck the state has resigned from his job on the police force before an internal affairs investigation, the Gainesville Sun reported. 

Jokes published on the account of Officer Michael Hammill were found, and a complaint filed with the Gainesville, Florida Police Department. According to the Gainesville Sun, one reads:

“What’s the difference between boy scouts and Jews?” Anybody know? Well it is because “Boy scouts come back from their camps.”

In another comment, Hammill said people who take advantage of government support should be dealt with "the Hitler way."

The resignation was effective as of Dec. 6. The news was not unveiled until several days ago.

GPD spokesman Ben Tobias said in a statement that the comments could have led to Hammill's termination.

The photo of Hammill, along with several colleagues went viral, racking up more than 500,000 reactions and 178,000 comments, many of which were about how attractive the officers are.