

Missouri Republican Senate candidate calls feminists 'career obsessed banshees'


KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Missouri said in a Facebook post earlier this week that feminists are ”career-obsessed banshees."

The post on Courtland Sykes campaign Facebook page reads: “in light of recent questions regarding my views on Women’s Rights, attached is my full statement from September 2017."

The post started off by saying Sykes’ fiancé gave him “orders” to favor women’s rights. He then went on to say he wants to come home to a home-cooked dinner that she fixes at six every night. He then added he wants his daughters to learn to fix those meals after “they become traditional homemakers and family wives.”

Later in the post, the candidate said he does not “buy into radical feminism’s crazed definition of modern womanhood.” He later said, “They made it up to suit their own nasty, snake-filled heads.”

Sykes is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Missouri. He hopes to unseat Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill.

His campaign’s website says Sykes joined the Navy after the 9/11 attacks. The site says he served as an intelligence analyst.