

National coalition fights to protect birth control access

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Attorney General Eric Schneiderman joined a coalition of Attorney Generals filing a petition for a nationwide order to protect New Yorkers' access to birth control. 

The group of A.G.s -- from California, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia -- are trying to stop the Trump administration's rules that would allow employers to deny women free birth control coverage under the Affordable Care Act. 

"If a woman can't control her own body, she isn't truly free," Schneiderman said. "Healthcare decisions should be made by a woman -- not her boss."

The coalition argues that since the ACA’s requirement to cover contraceptives took effect in 2012, it’s saved American women $1.4 billion. Over 62.4 million women have benefited from the coverage, including 3.8 million in New York.

New York has one of the highest rates of unintended pregnancy in the nation.