

Mom says she and son almost died of co poisoning


A West Seneca mother says she and her young son were exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning inside their apartment Wednesday.

Rosanna Zuppa says her landlord never installed life-saving CO detectors or smoke detectors. She says she was baking and felt light-headed and dizzy. She ran out of the house and called the gas company, who she says detected dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide.

"They told us if we would have stayed another night we possibly wouldn't be here," she said.

Zuppa says she and her son went to Mercy Hospital who confirmed both had carbon monoxide poisoning.

"I felt like something wasn't right," she said.

Zuppa says her landlord isn't responding to her requests for the detectors. It's against the law not to have carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in a single or double family home.