Town of Tonawanda Police located 79 year old Harold Roberts in a brush filled wooded area Tuesday.
Mr. Roberts was the subject of an Erie County Silver Alert that was issued on Friday, July 24th.
The US veteran and former Air Force pilot had wandered into the wooded area and at some point fell to the ground and was unable to get up or call for help. Roberts told police that he used his military survival skills to keep himself alive. Police believe he had been in the wooded area the entire four days he was missing.
According to police, ad it not been for Detective Hearitt’s persistent efforts, Mr. Roberts may have perished from exposure and dehydration. He was taken to a local hospital for evaluation, but was in good spirits when located.
Detective Hearitt has been with the Town of Tonawanda Police Department for 13 years and is a veteran himself, having served with the United States Marine Corps.