

Man explains "white lives matter" flyers

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Scott Lacy is setting the record straight.

“There's been misrepresentations of what was on those flyers and why they were passed out in the area they were passed out in.”

Lacy’s responsible for distributing flyers condemning illegal immigration and promoting the "white lives matter" message in Lewiston last week.

Why? “The purpose of these flyers is to raise awareness with whites about the plight our people face in this country,” he said.

Lacy is new to the area and chose to leave the flyers in predominately white areas based on a suggestion from a friend. He said all of the information is factual. “There was crime statistics based on race which is part of the FBI database. It's not something fabricated out of the blue, you know?”

Blair Hoplight is one of several dozen who woke up Thursday morning to find a “stop illegal immigration” flyer inside a plastic bag on his driveway. “This gave me the impression they were putting other people down. That doesn't work. It's not going to make our country any better,” he said.

Lacy sees things differently. “I consider myself a racist but not because I believe in hatred towards anybody else. It's because I love my own people.”

Lacy said he's actually received positive feedback since he distributed the flyers. That's why he plans to hand the out in other communities. He says he won't stop standing up for what he believes in.