

Make healthy eating a family affair

Make healthy eating a family affair

If you need a motivating reason to kick start your healthy eating goals, today is your day.

Today is National Healthy Day and people are encouraged to eat healthier and fit more fruits and vegetables into their day.

According to the American Heart Association, more than two-thirds of American adults and one in three children and teens are overweight or obese. These conditions increase the risk for many chronic illnesses and conditions, including heart disease and stroke.

Here are some tips from the American Heart Association to help you and your family be healthy eaters:

  • Be a good role model. If your children see you trying to eat right and make healthy choices, they will notice. You will send a message that good health is important in your family.
  • Keep things positive. Children don't like to hear what they can't have, so focus on what they can have. Give them some healthy options, let them choose, and praise them for their choice.
  • Make dinnertime family time. Develop healthy habits together.
  • Let your children be involved in planning and cooking meals. They may be more willing to try things that they have helped to make.
  • Make a game out of reading food labels. The whole family will learn more about what you are eating.
  • Include more vegetables and fruits - fresh, frozen or canned. Use them as healthy sides, snack and desserts.
  • Avoid salty sauces and sugary syrups. Try to cut down on the amount of sodium your kids eat. Watch out for the salty six (these foods add the most sodium to your children's diets): pizza, bread and rolls, cold cuts and cured meats, savory snacks, sandwiches and cheese.
  • Cut back on added sugars. The easiest way is to cut back on or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages, like soda and sports drinks. Drink water instead.

Be a part of National Eating Healthy Day by registering and sharing your success on the American Heart Association's Facebook and Twitter pages.