

Local salon owner is making a difference for families in need this Thanksgiving

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Salina Ortiz, Owner of Salina Paris, is lending a helping hand and making a difference for families in need this Thanksgiving.

Ortiz posted a message on Tuesday saying: "Here at Salina Paris Salon, we think it's important to stop and take a minute to think about those who aren't as fortunate as others and help them to feel special. We will be donating a Thanksgiving dinner and dessert to a family in need this season."

The post continued by asking Facebook friends to send Ortiz the names of families in need. 

Ortiz says she chose three families to donate a Thanksgiving meal to. 

Isaias Medina received the first donation on Wednesday. 

"For the first time that anyone has ever helped me," Medina said. "It very appreciated."

Ortiz says she saw other people in the community lending a helping hand which inspired her to do this.

"I'm ready in my life to give back to somebody so I wanted to do that," she said.