WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. (WKBW) — Unyts, a local organ and blood donor service, announced it is rebranding itself as ConnectLife. The organization made the announcement Thursday morning.
“More than a name change, we’ve evolved our brand to better tell the story of how we serve the community and to illuminate the impact that our donor network can make on the lives of our neighbors in need,” said Mark Simon, CEO of ConnectLife. “And, our new location in Williamsville provides a space that better serves our staff’s needs as they work to meet the increasing demands of our business.”
Organization officials say it changed the name to better align with its mission.
“We wanted a name that better represented what we do, which, at its core, is connecting families, neighbors, and communities through the gift of blood, organ, eye, and tissue donations, and the name ‘ConnectLife’ allows us to do just that,” Simon continued. “By raising awareness of our mission and vision, we’ll be able to increase donor participation and forge deeper connections with our current supporters.”
ConnectLife says it will continue to provide lifesaving and enhancing services to Western New Yorkers.