CHEEKTOWAGA, NY (WKBW) — A group of swimmers made a synchronized splash at their showcase Thursday evening.
The group is called Swimkins. Swimmers Jamie and Sabrina Starck said their practice starts in September and their last competition is in July, making their season 11 months long.
"We've been working pretty hard since the beginning of the year, we've been putting in hours," Sabrina said.
This year's showcase meant even more to the team. Last year, they had a virtual audience and the year before, no showcase at all. So, Thursday evening was their first performance with a full audience in the past two years.
"It's everything," coach Debbie Latchford said. "Everyone's been cooped up in their home and they haven't had the opportunity to do the things that they love, especially with contact sports."
Latchford said they have swimmers as young as six and as old as their two graduating seniors this year.
"We start young and they are with us for years and years," Latchford said. "It's great."
The Starcks said if you're thinking of joining, don't wait a second longer to dive in.
"You should try it, it's a lot of fun," Jamie said.
"If you like gymnastics and swimming, its a combination of cheer-leading and everything," Sabrina said. It's a really fun sport."
You can join by going to their website here. If you do not know how to swim, they will teach you.