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Staying safe from COVID-19 this Memorial Day weekend

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — As some people together this weekend to either head to the beach or observe Memorial Day, experts are sharing ways you can stay safe and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Dr. Thomas Russo, Chief of Infectious Disease at UB School of Medicine, said if you're outside, make sure to wear a mask.

If you're at a get together and you're eating, before taking a bite or a sip, distance yourself from others before removing your mask and eating.

And if you're going for a swim at the beach, use the buddy system. Have someone hold your mask for you as you go for a dip, then do the same for them.

Distance yourself from others as best as you can, you need to assume that anyone could be infectious.

"If you could push it back to ten feet, 12 feet, that would be great as well. It's sort of all probability. The closer you are to someone and the longer you interact with them obviously increases the risk. But it doesn't mean once your beyond six feet the risk goes to zero."

Dr. Russo also reiterated that just because you feel well doesn't mean you're not infectious.

"A critical thing to remember is we're all enjoying, at least psychologically, that we're in Phase One. And we're starting to be able to do some things again, but to be able to progress through the phases we have to continue to keep the number of cases down."