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Spotted Lanternfly poses possible threat to local farms


MEDINA, N.Y. (WKBW) — The Spotted Lanternfly is raising concerns as local farmers prepare for the fall.

According to the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, these flies are harmful to more than 70 species of plants. Plants that hit closer to home are grapevines, apple trees and hops.

The Western New York PRISMorganization said Spotted Lanternflies latch on to plants sucking sap causing the process of photosynthesis to decrease and eventually die.

Locally not many flies have been detected, yet experts say preparation is key when it comes to preventing the devastation these insects can bring.

"Getting prepared for what we may have to change in our management strategies going forward to prevent against damage of this insect," Christopher Oakes, project manager at LynOaken Farms, said.

Inspecting the fruit is essential due to the insects causing mold to grow on the trees and vines. He said the company strives for the best for their customers.

"It can be a very nuisance pest for the community and for growers too. We don't want to sell moldy apples," Oakes said.

He mentions control being a must have when avoiding the mold.

"Just look out for it because the earlier you can find it the easier it is to control," Oakes said.

The State Department of Agriculture and Markets is encouraging people to step-up and help stop the insect invasion. They advise the community to report any sightings and then kill them.

When reporting a sighting visit the New York State website and scroll down to "How You Can Help."