PEMBROKE, N.Y. (WKBW) — Sink Holes are something that hardly ever happen in New York. Pembroke's Code Enforcement Officer, Jim Wolbert said that the local area is more used to seeing snow loads than something like this.
"I couldn't believe what I was hearing," Wolbert said.
On Monday, the Nati was forced out of their home after cracks were developing in the road and around their house in Pembroke. Even the foundation of the home was becoming compromised.
It's gotten to the point where all of Scribner is feeling the affects as a sign of caution for the public.
"The road is closed for local traffic, but people can still get to their homes," Wolbert said.
Luckily, no other homes were impacted by any sinkholes or depressions.
"They heard some noises, but nobody else has found any cracks in their foundations or doors not closing," Wolbert said.
At the moment, people like the Nati's are calling it a sink hole, but the town of Pembroke is holding back from using that exact terminology. They don't know what to call it yet, but are waiting until they get results of what caused this to happen in the first place.
"Our geology teams are doing some core drilling trying to get some answers as to what's going on," Wolbert said.
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