Several drivers voiced their concerns about the NYSDOT traffic lights at the Millersport Highway and Hartford Road intersection in Amherst, saying no matter which direction you’re going, be prepared to wait.
For the past 46 years, Mary Cegielski has only known one thing about this intersection.

“The light has always been a long change for the signal,” Mary said
After three different people mentioned this exact intersection in our ‘Left on Red’ comments, 7 News reporter Derek Heid made the trip to check it out.
When driving from Hartford Rd, like Mary, the red light can take over 2 minutes before it changes.

“It happens continually, it never stops,” Mary said.
That may seem like plenty of time, but there is another problem.
The traffic light just down the road at the intersection of Millersport Highway and Sheridan Drive is not in sync with the Millersport/Hartford lights just a few hundred feet away.
This causes long traffic backups and many times, Mary can’t make it through the light on Hartford Rd on the first try.
“There is a constant backup, it’s a busy intersection,” Mary said. “Cars like to block it constantly, so you can’t get through regardless of what the signal tells you.”

Instead, she has to sit and wait through the 2:30-3:00 minute complete traffic light cycle again.
Another viewer, Nancy Niedermayer, drives the same direction Mary does.
Nancy emailed 7 News saying that sometimes she is forced to “drive into [a nearby] parking lot to be able to turn onto Millersport…” otherwise she “can sit at the light for 2 or 3 cycles before people stop blocking the intersection.”
And other drivers on Middlesport Hwy. are feeling the wait times too.
“That light on Hartford seems to constantly be polar opposite with the light at Middlesport and Sheridan,” Peter Liberti said.

Peter’s morning commute to work at Sacred Heart Academy comes right down that stretch of Millersport Highway, and the lights not working together is just as frustrating for him.
“If I make both green lights, it’s a miracle and saves me a good 5 minutes,” Peter said.
The NYSDOT is in charge of the lights in this intersection.
A spokesperson responded to questions about the timing by saying.
“The signal timing system at the intersection of State Route 263 at Hartford Drive in Erie County was disturbed by recent utility work in the area. NYSDOT is working to repair and upgrade the system and expects to complete the work in the coming days.”
However, these drivers feel these problems have been going on for much longer.
“[I’ve seen the problem for] 19 years… I’ve been working at Sacred Heart for 19 years,” Peter said. “To [NYSDOT’s] credit, when they do come out it does seem to work for a month and then slowly it seems to fall apart and get bad again.”
We want to hear from you. Tell us what intersections need to be studied as we continue to look into solutions for these travel headaches.