WILSON, N.Y. — The Village of Wilson is uniting together to help a family of six displaced by a devastating house fire. A dozen local businesses are collecting donations during this family’s time of need.
After Friday’s fire, around every corner of the house on Pettit Street is shattered glass, boarded up windows and fire damage.

“Around 7 p.m. Friday, we responded to a house fire with people inside,” Wilson Fire Company Fire Chief Jeff Monroe said.
Lynn Allard is a family friend of the Schroeder-Pedersen family. On Friday, she watched as her friends, the two adults and four children, witness their home in flames.
“They are the most wonderful family you could ever imagine that your child could be friends with,” Lynn said. “The most overwhelming part is the community support, the community coming together to get what they need.”
All members of the family made it out safely, but they lost nearly everything inside.

“People left with just the clothes on their back,” Christine Hannam said.
But, the Village of Wilson never let them go through this extremely hard time alone.
Christine is one of the owners of The Cookie Cottage, and she made the decision to take the entire family inside her store Friday night and allowed them to stay until they got a hotel.
“We realized the kids needed somewhere to be safe, where they weren’t watching the fire, so we brought all the kids in here,” Christine said. “That’s what we do here, we’re all community, we always have something going on to help others.”

Her kindness has sparked a movement of over one dozen Wilson businesses collecting donations for the family.
Along with The Cookie Cottage, another one of those several local stores, Brownie's Custard is giving all brownie sundae proceeds to the family.
“If somebody buys one, they’re not only helping their neighbor, but they’re getting a delicious treat,” Owner of the stand Eileen Neisen said. "We've raised probably $200-$300."

All of these Wilson natives say this is just what their hometown is all about.
“For me, it’s what Wilson has proven they are,” Lynn said.
“We’re a small town, and when something happens, we typically come together,” Eileen said.
“It’s a small community, and small communities stick together,” Fire Chief Monroe said.
Donations will be accepted in person, throughout the week. Lynn said that any people outside of Wilson that would like to donate can mail support to PO Box 174, Ransomville, NY 14131.
With everything going on, the father of the family that lost their home, Michael Schroeder, was unable to meet on camera.
However, he shared this statement with 7 News:
First, we must recognize the volunteer firefighters of Wilson, Olcott and Newfane that battled the fire in our home. We can never repay you for your heroics and caring.
The Cookie Cottage took us in the entire night when they would normally have been closed. They kept us hydrated and fed us. With T and R’s convenience donating pizza and drinks.
The Wilson Brew Co. has been a donation center, and the owners check on us each day.
The Wilson Dollar General is another donation center... Their manager and workers have been so kind.
The Wilson School District, the Summit Center, and Holy Ghost Lutheran (in Wheatfield) have helped the kids and us with clothes and supplies.
Catholic Health (Jack’s PT OT and speech service providers) has also been incredible with needed medical supplies and clothes.
Buffalo Public Schools - especially Lydia T. Wright and East High School - with donations. Also, West Herr Lockport Honda. Servicing our vehicles for free.
There are so many volunteers manning the donations for us, as well, that I don’t want to leave any one person out.
The whole community has put their arms around us and told us “We protect our own.”