Update: The City of Buffalo says it has received four concerns from Wyoming Avenue since April. Two for basement flooding and two for street flooding.

The city says it responded to each call and went three additional times to clean and inspect receivers to make sure they were clear. It claims receivers have not been filled with debris and the sewer mains have been flowing.

The city says this situation appeared to be surface material blocking grates and it will continue to inspect and clear prior to rainfall. The city also claims it will evaluate an engineering solution if necessary.

You can watch our updated report below.
Original story:
"I feel totally neglected. The East Side...we seem to be forgotten people."
For more than a year Betty Gray said there's been flooding outside her home on Wyoming Avenue, which she said is due to blocked sewer drains.
"The water says it's not us, they check water lines, and everything and they say you're good. It's this," explained Gray pointing to the sewers.
I went to Gray's home and noticed the drains across the street were stuffed with leaves and debris.

"You see senior citizens out here cleaning it up," said Gray.

"You call the city, nothing happens, over and over, and over again," said Gray. "The 311 you get nowhere."
Gray said the accumulation of water has led to flooding in her basement at least 10 times over the past few years. She said it caused around $32,000 worth of damage.
"Why should I have to pay $32,000 to keep water from coming in if they just fix something as simple as [this]," explained Gray.
I called the Buffalo Common Council's Communication Director, who said he informed Councilmember Zeneta Everhart's office to look into it.
As we wait for answers, if you have a consumer issue in Western New York email me at 7ProblemSolvers@WKBW.com