HAMBURG, N.Y. (WKBW) — Megan and Ryan Mattiuzzo are in love with their new bundle of joy. His name is Easton Lewis Mattiuzzo. He was born six days ago. Like any first time parents, they can't stop taking pictures of him.
“His life will be very well documented I can tell you that,” said his mother, Megan.
Very well documented and in very high quality, Easton's mom is a professional photographer. Usually at weddings she looks for the perfect moment.
When getting ready to deliver Easton last week at Sister's Hospital, she knew there would be a perfect moment to capture.
“I think it was always in my head that I didn't want another perspective of my birth I wanted my own perspective,” added Mattiuzzo.
So, she asked her doctor if she could bring her camera.
“I've never heard of someone ever asking such a request, but I was all for it,” said Dr. Maria Lagopoulos, her obstetrician gynecologist. She only agreed because everything about Mattiuzzo's pregnancy was healthy.
So with a half working epidural and the pain of childbirth hitting Megan hard, her husband handed her the camera.
“So, I kind of rest my chin to my chest looking through my viewfinder, resting my camera on my stomach, and just shot literally as he was… I call it his Simba moment,” recalled Mattiuzzo.
Easton's very first pictures were taken by his mother, during childbirth. A welcome distraction through the final push.
“It was almost kind of like the pain went away because I wasn't focused so much,” said Mattiuzzo.
“I think it was inspiring to have her empower herself in such an already empowering moment,” said Dr. Lagopoulous she and a medical student were in the background of the photograph.
Megan Mattiuzzo's passion is to capture moments. And her son’s very first moment is one she'll cherish for the rest of her life.