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Gov. Hochul launches health care worker bonus program


BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Gov. Hochul announced the launch of the Health Care and Mental Hygiene Worker Bonus program on Wednesday morning.

Hochul allocated $1.3 billion for the program to pay recruitment and retention bonuses to health care workers across the state.

"Throughout the pandemic, including the early days when many were hunkered down at home, our health care workers and first responders have shown up day after day to keep New Yorkers healthy and save lives," Hochul said. "Our bonus program is about more than just thanks, this is an investment in health care and with it we will retain, rebuild, and grow our health care workforce and ensure we deliver the highest quality care for New Yorkers."

Bonuses will be awarded to employees who make less than $125 thousand dollars a year and remain in their positions for at least six months.

A bonus of up to $3 thousand will be available for each employee.

Qualified employees who work:

  • 20 - 30 hours a week are eligible for a $500 bonus
  • 30-35 hours a week are eligible for a $1000 bonus
  • 35+ hours a week are eligible for a $1500 bonus

Starting Aug. 3, employers can submit employees for the bonuses through the Health Care Worker Bonus portal here.