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Flu cases down statewide, but pediatric flu deaths rise

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Flu season can be a nightmare for parents. A child, coming down with a severe fever, nausea, body chills and more.

“When our community has the flu, the whole community can be exposed to the flu,” said Dr. Rachel Kaufman of Buffalo Pediatric Associates.

Dr. Kaufman says her practice has treated many children with the flu this year.

New numbers from New York State show there have been eight pediatric flu-related deaths this season. Two, just in the last week.

“I’m seeing high fevers, body aches, congestion,” Dr. Kaufman said. “It’s certainly high compared to the last five years.”

But the overall number of flu cases in the state is trending downward.

New numbers from the state show as of January 14, there were a total of more than 300,000 positive influenza cases all season, across 62 counties.

The report found cases statewide are down 50% and hospitalizations down 52% from the previous week.

Despite those state numbers, Erie County remained high with 81 cases the first two weeks in January.

“Flu is still very much a concern for Erie County,” Dr. Kaufman said. “I think it was on people’s radars before, but 100% there are still flu cases circulating in our community.”

Dr. Kaufman strongly advises the flu shot for all children and adults, and says the best way to steer clear of the flu is masking, wash your hands and get a flu vaccine.

If you do have a sick child at home, here are some signs Dr. Kauffman says to look out for.

If your child has a high fever over 103. If your child is having difficulty breathing, or if your child is not able to keep fluids down.

“Those are all concerning things and you need to seek care in an emergency room,” she said.

You can track the state’s flu cases here.