ERIE COUNTY (WKBW) — A portion of Erie County's coronavirus relief funds from the U.S. CARES Act will be designated to reimburse municipalities across the county for "non-personnel costs associated with their response to the COVID-19 pandemic."
Every municipality will be eligible for up to $1 million in relief and must submit an itemized, FEMA-style claim for the funding.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has not only threatened the health of our community, it has stretched budgets countywide as municipalities face the challenge of protecting public health and safety while getting back to business as much and as soon as possible,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “We are taking this action to extend funding support to all cities, towns and villages in Erie County to augment their own efforts and ease the burden on their municipal budgets. This pandemic is the health crisis of our lifetime, affecting all of us, and extending this funding support is another way that we are working together to protect residents.”
The municipalities will need to certify that all expenditures meet US Treasury Department guidelines and must also enter into a contract with Erie County agreeing to follow the guidelines. Claims should be completed and returned by September 30.