HAMBURG, N.Y. (WKBW) — Local farmers say this cool and soggy spring could cost you more at the grocery store the next few months and crops like locally grown corn and tomatoes will not be available for your fourth of July celebrations.
Les Draudt of Draudt Farm in Hamburg says his fields are soaked making them hard to work and making them struggle.
The rain is saving on irrigation costs for the crops planted in the spring and some crops actually like the rain, but for the most part many crops are not doing well in the wet weather.
Draudt says locally grown corn will not be around for the fourth of July and tomatoes will also be behind schedule.
He says some local farmers were not able to get their spring planting in like he was and there will be shortages, which will impact consumers heading to grocery stores in the coming months.
This wet weather could now impact fall crops, as those need to be put in the ground soon, but it is still much too wet.
Farmers like Draudt will continue to keep an eye on the fields and on the clouds, wondering when the rain will stop.