TOWN OF TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WKBW) — Town of Tonawanda officials announced construction is now underway on the Parker Boulevard Complete Streets Project.
The project is designed to improve safety and mobility on Parker Boulevard from Englewood Avenue to Sheridan Drive.
"The 1.3-mile project will promote a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system featuring two designated vehicle lanes, two bicycle lanes, one-sided parking, and three mini-roundabouts at Parker and Englewood (eliminating a sharp turn angle), Parker and Decatur, and Parker and Harrison," a release says.

General work zone restrictions are expected to be in place through October 14, although much of the work is expected to be completed before the school year begins on September 6.

“The Town of Tonawanda’s Complete Streets Policy states that design of transportation facilities accommodates pedestrians, bicyclists, non-motorized forms of transportation as well as automobiles. This is an inclusive design which will increase accessibility, reduce vehicular speed, reduce conflict points, and will help to reduce our carbon footprint. Residents are all pedestrians; most are fortunate enough to have additional modes of transportation. The town has a responsibility to design its transportation network for more than just vehicles.”