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Confusion on whether or not Voelker’s Bowling Alley will soon get demolished

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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — There are many questions about whether or not Voelker’s Bowling Alley will soon be demolished since it has to get approved by the City of Buffalo’s Permit and Inspection Department.

The Buffalo Housing Court ordered a demolition to come in full swing in taking down the Voelker’s Bowling Alley.

“The question is not will it be demolished? When will it be demolished?,” says Councilman Joe Golombek of the City of Buffalo.

Councilman Joe Golombek who represents the North District is searching for answers on what’s going to happen to the historic building on Amherst Street in Buffalo.

“If it’s just going to be a parking lot or a pile of rubble I’m not going on the record to be supportive of it,” he says. “However, if they’re willing to build something here that enhances the neighborhood that’s historically significant I can be supportive of them coming here and doing that.”

Golombek tells 7 News reporter Yoselin Person the key to all of this is for the owners of the building to send a site plan to the city’s Permit and Inspection Department.

“I spoke to Commissioner Amdur from the inspections department and she told me that the property owner requires to submit a site plan on what they’re going to do if the property gets torn down,” Councilman says.

The department sent a statement saying:

The next step for 680 Amherst is for the owner to submit a site plan for a new building to the City Planning Board.

Yet, Councilman Golombek did say he’s all for saving a piece of Buffalo’s history.

“Six percent of the building in my opinion is worthy of preservation,” Golombek says. “The question is, can you save it without the remainder of the building and will it fall down that’s the concern that I have.”

The owner of Voelker’s Bowling Alley couldn’t be reached for comment.