BUFFALO, N.Y. — With the large number of boaters expected out on the water this Independence Day, the Erie County Sheriff’s Office is reminding people to be safe and tells 7 News they will deploy extra patrols all day.
Those patrols are going to have an extra emphasis on looking for people who are drinking while operating their boats.
“It’s called operation dry water, it’s an increased presence for boating while intoxicated,” Sgt. Edward Krypel said. “Being the Fourth of July, we will be busy out there.”

A violation of the boating under the influence laws could lead to a $300 to $500 fine, a maximum of 15 days in jail, or both.
The sheriff’s office reminds people that if you are going to be drinking during the holiday, make sure there is a sober person on board, who can properly drive your vessel.
For people who aren’t intending to drink while out on the water, Sgt. Krypel reminds operators to have all the required equipment on their boats.
“Safety equipment onboard that is required is making sure you have enough PFDs (Personal Flotation Devices) for every person on board, depending on the length of your vessel, you have to have a type 4 throwable, fire extinguisher, anchor and line, horn and whistle, and making sure your flares are in date and good to go,” Sgt. Krypel said.
Have a safe and very happy Fourth of July.