BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — For families experiencing homelessness — Family Promise of Western New York is a small-scale shelter for them.
"Every family that we house, we say, feels like the Super Bowl to us, because you see the kids running around and you know why you're working hard on behalf of these families," Executive Director Luanne Firestone said.

She said this shelter on Hickory Street houses six families — giving them a home as they try to get back on their feet.
"In the past five years, family homelessness specifically has jumped 200% in Erie County. There are hundreds of families who are experiencing homelessness right now, and there's just not enough shelter space to put them," she said.
Firestone said Erie County asked Family Promise to open more shelter beds to families and they're eyeing an open space on East Ferry.
"We would be able to help over twice as many families as we can right now with the second facility," she said.

According to zoning documents submitted to the city, the shelter will be slightly larger than the Hickory Street location and offer the same amenities such as a laundry room and a residential kitchen.
However, the community has pushed back about the proposed location. Many shared their voice at a Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing Wednesday.
Thanya McKinnon

"We're the residents that are going to be directly impacted," McKinnon said. "Then why can’t they choose somewhere else to put it than in the middle of our residential area."
Sharone Terry

"This is something we do not want," Terry said. "There are 11 homeless shelters there why are we being the dumping ground for a homeless shelter in a residential neighborhood?"
She added that Family Promise hasn't given enough notice to residents about this proposed plan.
"If I hadn't went door to door getting signatures and setting up a meeting no one would've known about it," she said.
Sandara Baines

"I am not against homeless," Baines said. "However when it comes to having in and out three months at a time it seems like it's transient being brought into my neighborhood."
Karen Chavis

"I'm worried that this project is gonna bring us a lot of in and out which is basically gonna drop the value of our homes and not only put us in danger,” Chavis said.
The Zoning Board told Family Promise at Wednesday's meeting that they want the organization to engage with the community more and get in touch with the Masten District Council member, Zeneta Everhart, to facilitate more conversations about the proposal.
"We do recognize that we need to do better with community engagement. And so one thing we'd like to do is slow the conversation down," Firestone said.